My Resume
Denise Marchisotto
Founder & Director,
I've devoted my life to:
- Small Business Empowerment
- Holistic Wellness and
- Green Sustainability

Successful 40-Year Entrepreneur, Founder and Owner, Serenity Day Spa
Money, Marketing Soul Certified Business Coach
Graphic Design Marketing degree
EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique Certification
Yoga Teacher Certification
Clinical Aromatherapist Certification
Holistic Health Nutrition Counselor Certification
Energy Medicine Practitioner Certification
Sports Massage Therapist Certification
Spa Therapy Spa Detoxification Certification
Massage Therapy Certification
LEED GA, Green Associate Accreditation
Permaculture Design Certification
Green Future Management Certification

Denise was founder and former director of Serenity Day Spa,
one of the first holistic day spas in Central NJ.
- She brings over 40 years of experience to the Natural Health industry, since 1980.
- With a staff of 30, she specialized in natural, holistic day spa treatments combined with a high level of personalized service designed to facilitate clients’ health and rejuvenation.
- Starting from the ground up, Denise had completely designed and implemented one of the first holistic day spas in central New Jersey, a sophisticated and affluent marketplace one hour from both New York City and Philadelphia.
- She implemented program development, staff training and management programs, customer handling systems, and front desk operations to maximize profitability, as well as a complete retail and private label program.
- She specialized in hands-on treatment training to ensure a high level of quality from staff, maintaining customer satisfaction, loyalty and repeat sales. Her attention to detail was well known, and was able to train therapists quickly with a proven workable program.
- A comprehensive marketing and promotional program was developed to include all forms of media, including cable television, radio, magazines and newspapers, and a seasonal internal promotion program tied to service and retail.
- In addition, Denise oversaw four major renovations during this time, including a complete renovation and modernization of a 160-year-old historic building with all significant systems overhauled, a formal town-approved site plan including parking lot and drainage systems, formal grounds design and landscaping, and a complete interior update and remodel prior to sale.
- September 2002, she successfully sold the business, the twelfth of twenty acquisitions, to Stonewater Spas, Inc., and semi-retired at the age of 44, achieving one of her lifetime goals.
Denise empowers others to achieve a high level of wellness, increase their energy, lose extra weight, get off medications, and cleanse for glowing good health.
Denise has also been involved in the Green Sustainability field
for many years, since 1980.
She completed her Permaculture Certification, the study of designing sustainable land use based on ecological and biological principles, Oregon, in 2004. She also studied Sustainable Living at the Real Goods Solar Living Institute, California, in 2003.
Denise completed the Green Future Management Certificate at Mercer County College, NJ, in 2009, and achieved her LEED GA, Green Associate Certification in 2011.
LEED, Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design, is the internationally recognized standard in Green Building Design. LEED uses strategies aimed at improving performance across the areas that matter most: energy savings, water efficiency, CO2 emissions reduction, improved indoor environmental quality, and stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their impacts.
Experienced in many kinds of renovation, she did a large green renovation on her home of seven years in Montgomery Township, north of Princeton, NJ, including the installation of a 3 kw solar system in 2009 using partial grants from the State of New Jersey Solar Rebate Program, achieving another lifetime goal of living more sustainably.
Denise empowers others to simplify their lives, implement easy, everyday solutions to reduce their consumption and carbon footprint, and, with increasingly finite planetary resources, live a more sustainable life. This simplicity enables others to enjoy their lives even more, be less stressed, and have more time for relaxation, fun, and to enjoy life fully.
Other Trainings & Certifications

Money, Marketing & Soul Business Coach Certification, Kendall Summerhawk, AZ, 2016
Goddess Business School, Elizabeth Purvis, 2016
Marketing Makeover Inner Circle Program, Vrinda Normand, 2016
Retreats Workshop, Sherri Rosenthal, FL, 2015
Ultimate Sales Bootcamp, Speak to Sell, Teleseminars & Webinars, Lisa Sasevich, CA, 2016
Cash through Clarity, Lisa Cherney, CA, 2016
Thrive Academy, Jesse & Sharla, CA, 2016
Premium Packages, Networking, Bill Barren, 2016
Rockwood Leadership Training, WV, 2004
and others...
Health & Wellness
EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique Certification, NJ, 2016
Yoga Teacher Certification, Gemma Farrell, Princeton, NJ, 2014
Lypossage Detoxification Certification, MD, 2014
Clinical Aromatherapist Certification, NJ, 2009
Holistic Health & Nutrition Counselor Certification, Institute of Integrative Nutrition, NYC, 2005
Energy Medicine Practitioner Certification, Alberto Villoldo & The Four Winds Society, 2004
Sports Massage Therapist National Certification, NY, 1985
Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture studies, Institute of Traditional Medicine, Santa Fe, NM, 1984
Massage Therapy Certification, Institute of Traditional Medicine, Santa Fe, NM, 1983
Continuing Education
Therapeutic Aromatherapy Training, NJ, 2000-present
Energy Healing, Michael Harner & The Foundation for Shamanic Studies, 1989-present
Energy Healing, Alberto Villoldo & The Four Winds Society, 1989-present
Ayurvedic Revitalizing Treatments, Pratima Raichur-Bindi, NY, 1987-88, Dr. Vasant Lad, NM, 1984
Meditation, Pir Vilayat, NM, 1982, Joan Borysenko, MA, 1989
Sports and Therapeutic Massage, Ben Benjamin, Robert King, NY, NJ, 1986-88
Spa Therapies, NJ, FL, Chicago, 1989-91
Yoga Therapy, NM, NY, MA, 1984-87
and others…
LEED GA, Green Associate Accreditation, NJ, 2009
Green Future Management Certification, NJ, 2008
WELL 2014 Symposium, associated with Greenbuild 2014, New Orleans, LA
Greenbuild 2013, Philadelphia, PA
USGBC-US Green Building Council Member, 2011-present
NOFA, National Organic Farming Association, Workshops, 2004-present, NJ
Design Ecology & Sacred Geometry, Janus Welton, Patricia Michael, 2004, NY
Small Farm Workshop, 2004, NJ
Solar Greenhouses, 2004, NY
Solar Living Institute, Sustainable Living 5-day Intensive, CA, 2004
Solar Living Institute, Permaculture Garden Install 5-day Course, CA, 2004
Permaculture Design Certification, OR, 2003
Real Goods Solfest Conference, CA, 2003
Midlantic Sustainability Conference, NJ, 2003
Energy Independence Conference, NY, 2003
American Spirit & Values Conference, NY, 2003
Clearwater Sloop Environmental Education Crew, NY, 2003
One Earth Conference, Omega Institute, NY, 2002
and others...
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